Author(s): Maria Paula Neves - Portugal
- RR7A 11 - 12
- RR7H 1 - 1
Students are often more easily convinced by their peers than by their teachers. In this spirit, teacher challenges the students to read, in pairs, a book chosen by them and present it to the class.
Fefore the lesson: . Teacher challenges the students to read, in pairs, a book chosen by them and present it to the class in the most creative way they could. Teacher guides the students during the homework. . Students organise themselves in pairs, according to their preferences reading, and prepare the activity. In classe: Each pair talks about the book in an appealing way. For instance: - while talking about the book they can show images, photos or other material related to the book. - They can also make a performance based on the book. - They may not tell the end of the story to motivate colleagues to read the same book The other students listen and may aks questions about the book.