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Connecting students through shared interests to develop a love for reading.

What is ReadTwinning?

ReadTwinning aims to address the ongoing need for effective strategies and tools to promote reading among young people, bridging school activities with personal interests and fostering social connections across students of different classes, schools, cultures and countries.

The need for a strong, active and methodologically innovative commitment by European schools in promoting a love for reading among young people is confirmed by all available data on reading literacy.

One in five 15 year-olds in the EU is a low achiever in reading. Reading performance has not improved in recent years and the EU is lagging behind its 2020 target to have less than 15 % of low achievers. All project partner countries had a higher rate of underachievement than the 15% benchmark - Cyprus (43.7%), Romania (40.8%), Italy (23.3%), United Kingdom (17.3%) and Portugal (20.2%)

Children from migrant backgrounds or from disadvantaged households are less likely to be able to read well at school and less motivated to reading than their classmates. This has the potential to be devastating for their future lives.

(Source: ‘Pisa and the EU 2018’ and ‘PISA 2018’)

‘ReadTwinning: Connecting students through shared interests to develop a love for reading’ will address these urgent needs by developing and testing an innovative approach whose main aim is to motivate 9-15 year old students to read more and enjoy more the experience of reading and, in turn, improve literacy.


External Resources


ReadTwinning Guidelines

An e-publication providing a methodological framework to implement the ReadTwinning approach of connecting readers through shared interests.

ReadTwinning Platform

Multilingual online social platform to connect readers with shared interests and hobbies, suggest relevant books, and share rich media content of their reading experience.

Lesson plans and toolkits

A set of practical lesson plans for teachers with ideas of how to integrate ReadTwinning into their classroom activities, supported by a suite of toolkits for students and teachers.

Training Course for ‘Connected Teachers’

A comprehensive training curriculum to develop knowledge and skills in teaching and learning using the ReadTwinning approach.

training course on parental engagement

A training course to equip parent educators with the required knowledge, skills, and resources to provide professional guidance to parents in how to best support children’s development in reading.

Mobility for Connected Readers

3 short term exchanges of groups of pupils in Romania, Portugal and Cyprus to foster the activation of trans-boundaries communities of connected readers.

Jul 19

Author(s): Maria Paula Neves - Portugal
  • RR7A 11 - 12
  • RR7H 1 - 1
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Who's behind the project?

Be a Connected Teacher

• To experiment a new model for connecting students, based on their shared interests, to enjoy reading together supported by social technology
• To join flexible and high quality training opportunities and courses for your professional development
• To get a Certification as Connected Teacher and support us in disseminating the model and resources in your territory
• To strengthen your European profile and boost the internationalisation of your school by joining a local team of highly qualified teachers


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