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Welcome to the page for the final press conference of the Erasmus+ ReadTwinning Project!

Thanks for attending! Due to the many requests to join the press conference from media contacts who can't attend in the time slot originally proposed, we have organised this final press conference in the form of an online asynchronous event. You will find below a video introduction, a video presentation of the project platform, and links to all the relevant content and information, as well as a form for asking questions or requesting further information.

Please start from the introductory video below!

The first intellectual output of the Project are the Guidelines, which are available both on the project website and as a downloadable PDF. A short video presentation of the Guidelines, with an overview of the ReadTwinning methodology, was produced for the dissemination events of the project and is available below.

The project also produced, as planned, two blended courses (for Connected Teachers, and for Parental Engagement). The courses are available to the public:

A further output of the project is the platform for the activities of the Reading Tandems: a short overview of the platform is available in the video below, while more detailed videos are available on the Tutorials page.

The project platform also offers a number of Lessons Plans, for inspiring teachers in experimenting with the project's tools and methodology.

Finally, a digital press kit with images and a press release is available here, please feel free to use it!

For questions, further requests, or comments you can use the form below.


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