Author(s): Fátima Carvalheira-Portugal
- Age: 11 - 12
- Hours: 1,5 h - 2 h
In this lesson students will analyse the book 'Ulysses' which is based on the book Odyssey written by Homer and has been adapted for children by a Portuguese writer. Students will apply knowledge of narrative structure, practise speaking and develop their writing skills.
Learning Objectives
- Para motivar os alunos a ler
- Conhecer a estrutura do texto narrativo
- Treinamento de habilidades de comunicação oral
- Habilidades de resumição de treinamento
- Para desenvolver de opinião crítica
- Promover o uso de novas tecnologias
Before the lesson: The students do a little research on the life of the writer Maria Alberta Menéres and they read the book" Ulisses" on their own. In class: • Reading out loud the first chapter of the work; • Dialogue with the students about the main character, his/her physical and psychological characterization, the location of the action in space and time, emotions and feelings .... • Students are invited to present an oral summary of each chapter of the work. • Students answer a questionaire on understanding the text; • Preparation of a text with the students' opinion about the work and record in the class Padlet. • Viewing of a theatre play based on the adaptation of the work under study.