Author(s): Sónia Bentinho
- RR7A 13 - 15
- RR7H 1 - 2
Learning Objectives
- Know some biographical aspects of Sophia de Mello Breyner .
- Trace the psychological profile of Sophia and link it to her intervening role in the society in which she lived.
- Locate the action in space.
- Describe the main character and his ambitions.
- Discuss about the role of the family in young people's career choice.
- Promote moments of interaction in the classroom.
At the beginning of the lesson, students watch a video about the life and work of Sophia de Mello Breyner, in order to get to know the most important aspects about her.
After watching the video, the students answer, in their notebook, some questions about some aspects that are mentioned in the video, presenting the psychological profile of the author.
Next, as part of their study of the story, two students summarise the story and give their personal opinion on it.
The students answer, after watching a video about the story, a questionnaire on the Wordwall plataform about the first part of the story under study.
After this activity, there is room for a debate on the importance of the family in the professional choice of the youngest.
Finally, students construct an opinion text on the theme "Dreams rule life".
"Saga" tells the story of a young Dane, who wants very much to be a sailor, as his father and uncles had been. However, his father won't let him follow his dream, because he lost two brothers in a shipwreck. So Hans decides to escape in a cargo ship which docks, one day, on the island and go on an adventure.
Students like this story very much because, apart form the fact that the main character is also a teenager, this story portrays themes that are very close to the reality of today's young people, such as the pressure parents often put on their children's career choices and the acceptance (or not) by the family of their children's choice. Therefore, this story allows the construction of debates with the students, who like to express their opinion on such sensitive issues as those presented in this story.