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ReadTwinning and social network. Follow us!

The ReadTwinning project has finally landed on social media! A well-structured communication is in fact the key to spread the project's activities and outputs and the perfect way of stimulating new ideas and digital interactions.

Our social media is the perfect place where all the partners have the possibility to share their classroom activities, their analysis instruments and the useful resources they use to promote reading among children and teenagers. We will also share the most important events coordinated by the project, in order to strengthen on the one side our system of relations, and on the other the dialogue with the institutions.

Our posts are both in English and in the national languages of the partners. We hope that this will allow a better interaction in the comments, so that we could collect the useful suggestions that surely we will receive.

You will find ReadTwinning on Facebook and on Twitter. Follow and like our page on social media: help us involving other people and support our community of ReadTwinning-approach promoters even more!

4th January 2021: Let’s discover ReadTwinning


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