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The most Frequently Asked Questions

During this last few months, another extremely useful tool has been created by our ReadTwinning Team: the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Keep on reading to discover more of the ReadTwinning world!


1.What is ReadTwinning?

ReadTwinning is a European Erasmus+ Project promoting interest-based reading by matchmaking two 'reading pals' (or a small group of reading pals) in order to read together the same book, with the help of an on-line platform which provides tools specifically designed to connect the reading pals and facilitate shared reading. The target of the project is constituted by 9-15 years old students.

2.How should the reading pals be matched?

In the final version of the project, the on-line platform will include specific tools to facilitate the matchmaking by means of a (gamified) set of questions and activities aimed to identify users' interests, reading habits, preferred books. In this preliminary stage, school partners are encouraged to involve teachers and students in the matchmaking process, asking them to help match students with similar interests. Since the project aims to connect students from different classes, schools and countries, it is recommended (albeit not required) even in the preliminary stages to match students from different classes. In the preliminary stages, it is suggested to work mainly with couples of reading pals, but to experiment also with small groups of 3 to (maximum) 5 people, in order to better understand if and how well the tools provided and the ReadTwinning methodology work with small groups. Within the project, each couple or small group of reading pals connected in order to read the same book is called a 'reading tandem'.

3.How should the books be chosen?

The platform will provide book suggestions based both on the users' profiles and interests, and on recommendations by 'topic gurus', advanced users of the platform (teachers, parents, students) with a specific competence on the topic which constitutes the reading tandem's specific interest. In the preliminary stages of the project, partners are encouraged to involve students, teachers and parents in preparing a list of topics of interest (being as specific as possible), in enrolling topic gurus and in collecting topic-specific book recommendations from the topic gurus. The platform will include as soon as possible tools to facilitate this preliminary step, which will be useful in order to collect a first, shared set of data. It is very important, however, that the final choice of the book to be read is left to the reading tandem, and not imposed upon it.

4.Which tools are available to the reading tandem?

In the final version of the project, each reading tandem will be able to use tandem-oriented social reading tools, such as a shared reading diary, a shared board for collecting reading-related content (both validated on-line content and user-generated content), a message system, and (through embedding) a web-conference system for book-related discussions and activities. In the preliminary stages of the project, partners (especially school partners) are encouraged to experiment with their own templates for the reading diary, and to share them with the other partners through the project mailing-list and Google Drive: Suggestions and proposals on the template of the reading diary (especially if proposed by reading tandems) will be of invaluable help in order to finalize a common template and to implement it in the platform. In the preliminary stages of the project, available on-line tools such as The Living Library platform, Padlet, etc. can be used as a shared board. Please, share experiences and evaluations on the tools used!

5.How does the reading tandem work? What are the reading challenges?

At the beginning of its activity, each reading tandem could define a set of goals which, taken together, constitute its 'reading challenge'. What is their deadline for completing the book? Which kind of shared activities (such as: create a book trailer; create a given number of Instagram stories describing the reading habits, discoveries, activities of the tandem; create a playlist of music related to the book, or to be listened to while reading it; create book-related bookmarks, … ) are expected? In the final version of the platform, it will be possible to include the reading (sub)challenges in the template of a Reading diary, and the platform will award badges (both for the tandem and for its individual participants) when the reading (sub)challenges are completed. In the preliminary stages of the project, teachers and topic gurus will award challenge-specific rewards to the tandems and their participants. Each reading tandem can challenge other reading tandems through shared multi-tandem reading challenges.

6.How to use augmented/enhanced reading in the ReadTwinning reading activities?

Reading tandems are encouraged to use the Living Book approach based on augmented/enhanced reading, including in the shared reading activities and in the reading challenges also activities based on enhanced reading. The Living Library platform can be also used within the activities of reading tandems.

7.Connecting reading tandems.

While each reading tandem has its own specific, book-related and topic-related challenges and reading activities, the ReadTwinning methodology should also provide spaces and times for common activities involving different reading tandems, such as: sharing with other tandems the challenge results, implementing multi-tandem challenges and rewards, common meetings and discussions… 

Storytelling of the Transnational Project Meeting


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