Author(s): Fátima Carvalheira-Portugal
- Age: 11 - 12
- Hours: 2 - 2,5
This lesson aims to introduce the dramatic text unit. It is intended that students acquire knowledge about its structure and apply this knowledge in the study of the work "Os Piratas" which is a must read.
Learning Objectives
- Para motivar os alunos a ler
- Conhecer a estrutura do texto dramático
- Para conhecer o vocabulário relacionado ao teatro
- Para treinar em leitura dramática
- Promover o uso de novas tecnologias
Before the lesson: The students do a little research on the life of the writer Manuel António Pina; they watch a video with an interview with the writer and they read "The Pirates" on their own. In class: • Watching a video about the origins of theatre followed by a short debate; • watching an image about a theatre show and identifying the actors who are marked on the image; • Watching a video about the structure of the dramatic text, • Dramatised reading of the first act of the play; • Dialogue with students focused on the formal aspects of the dramatic text, the psychological characterization of the characters and the description of the spaces. • The students write a text with their opinion about the book.