Author(s): Daniela Crizantema Nane, Scoala Gimnaziala Constantin Parfene, Romania
- Age: 13 - 15
- Hours: 1 - 2
The activity is related to the notions of force, pressure, hydrostatic pressure, Pascal's law, the law of universal attraction studied previously. Students made a project, using one of the online applications Story Jumper, Book Creator, Pixton Comic Maker, in which they imagined a dialogue/created a story or a learning situation proving their knowledge of the biography and scientific activity of the two physicists as well as the elements of progress they brought to mankind.
Learning Objectives
- Developing in students behaviors and attitudes that support lifelong reading
- Students can extract scientific information about physicists by consulting various sources
- Students can interpret and integrate information about physicists in a new context
- Developing students' digital skills
- Harnessing students' creativity
1. Students read information about Isaac Newton and Blaise Pascal by accessing the links, , (Newton), (Pascal) . The teacher intervenes with questions that help students to make the connection between the information presented and the notions of physics they learned. 2. The students present curiosities from the lives of the two physicists and famous quotes belonging to them. 3. Students are asked to carry out a project individually in which to present the biography and scientific activity of the two physicists using one of the online applications Story Jumper, Book Creator, Pixton comic maker. The teacher presents to the students the evaluation criteria of the project: - Choosing a suitable title - 1p - Creativity in formulating messages - 2p - Ability to select information - 1p - Correctness of the information presented - 1p - Realization of the project: originality (2p), graphic aspect (1p), characters (1p) - 4p - Project presentation - 1p 4. Each student presents his/her project in maximum 3 minutes.