Author(s): Fátima Carvalheira-Portugal
- Age: 9 - 10
- Hours: 1,5 - 2
Students will read and interpret two traditional novels related to the history of Portugal, more specifically to the time of the Discoveries. The aim is to apply knowledge acquired in the subject History and Geography of Portugal and to get to know two narratives in verse to introduce the formal aspects of poetry and make the transition to the poetic text.
Learning Objectives
- Para introduzir os romances tradicionalis portugueses;
- Identificar os aspectos formais da poesia (verso, estrofe e rima).
Before the lesson: Students do a little research on the notion of traditional novel. In class. Students present in class their findings in arriving at the notion of traditional novel. Students listen to the song "Here Comes the Catrineta Ship" and follow up with a silent reading of the text; Analysis of the formal aspects of the text: number of lines, stanzas and words that rhyme. Students do a dramatic reading, playing the role of each character and the narrator. Then the teacher shows a short video about the novel "Bela Infanta" and the students follow with the silent reading of the text; In dialogue, the students discover the common aspects between the two texts (formal aspects and content-related aspects); This is followed by a dramatic reading of the text; The students develop a text as a continuation of the novel of the "Beautiful Infanta" Some students dramatise the text.