Author(s): Maria Leonor Brás Lemos Figueira - Portugal
- Age: 11 - 12
- Hours: 1 hour - 6 hours
They listen to and read an adapted version of the book: James and the Giant Peach, by Roald Dahl. The students read aloud and learn new vocabulary in English. They translate some words/expressions, using the DeepL translator, in pair work. They play a kahoot game about the book and create a project on google earth: The journey of James and the Giant Peach. They present their project in class.
Learning Objectives
- Motivating students to read in English
- Learning new English words/expressions
- Promoting tandem reading
- Developing reading and speaking skills
- Learning about English speaking countries
- Developing students’ digital skills
Students search for online information about the writer of the book, Roald Dahl. They watch the trailer of the Disney movie: James and the Giant Peach. Students listen to and read aloud the adapted version of the book. They translate new words/expressions using the DeepL translator, in pair work and answer the questions in their student's book about the plot. When they finish the reading activities, they make a brief summary of the story and play a kahoot game about the author, plot, characters,... The teacher teach them how to use the digital tool - google earth- and they create a project: The Journey of James and the Giant Peach. While students are creating this project, they find out the places on google earth (England: London; Atlantic Ocean; USA: New York state, New York city, Central Park). They search for information on wikipedia about these English speaking countries, the Atlantic Ocean and add it to the project: name, capital, flag, monuments, currency, population. Using google earth, they choose google images of these places and images of James’s adventures. Students share their project by email with their teacher and classmates and present it in class
Tools & Equipment
- ● students’ book ● computer ● projector ● internet ● deepL translator ● kahoot ● google earth
This story is full of fantasy and adventure and students are going to enjoy reading about James’s adventures. They are motivated to read in English and learn new English words / expressions. They love playing kahoot games. They like challenges and they want to get a good score. They learn easily how to create a project on google earth. They are motivated to work on google earth because this tool shows them real places in real time. Despite being a fantasy story, their project on google earth is about real places, so it is a multicultural, creative, motivating and interesting activity.