Author(s): Fátima Carvalheira-Portugal
- Age: 11 - 12
- Hours: 2h - 2,5 h
With the aim of promoting pleasure for reading, and developing oral expression and critical thinking skills, was proposed Tandem Reading, which would be presented, later, in class.
Learning Objectives
- Para motivar os alunos a ler
- Desenvolver habilidades de pensamento crítico •
- Para desenvolver a expressão oral
- Promover o uso de novas tecnologias
- Melhorar as habilidades de escrita
Before the lesson: • It was proposed to the students to do Tandem Reading, which would be presented, later, in class. • The teacher distributes the chapters of the book to groups of two students. Each group reads the assigned chapter and writes a short summary. In class: • Both students present the book. • They talk about the characters, their favourite episodes, etc. • They comment on their tandem experience. • The other students ask questions about the chapter. • At the end, each student writes at home, their opinion of the book and registed their opinion on the class Padlet and illustrates it with a picture of their choice.