Author(s): Monica Pătrăcută, Scoala Gimnaziala ”Constantin Parfene”, Romania
- Age: 11 - 12
- Hours: 2 - 4
The students read legends about flowering plants and animals. After reading them, the teacher asks them to choose one or two legends and transpose them into drawings, poems, comics, virtual books, etc.
Learning Objectives
- developing the ability of reading a legend and understanding the text
- encouraging reading;
- stimulating the ability of formulating a point of view on what he/she has read;
- developing the ability of transposing the information from the read text into a drawing or comic strip;
The biology teacher gives to the students a series of legends about flowering plants and animals, which they can read in tandems using ReadTwinning platform. After reading them, students must choose one - two legends that impressed them and change them into drawings, poems, comics, virtual books, etc. Students present their materials to colleagues and argue their choice. The teacher collects the products made by the children and promotes them on An open exhibition in the online environment will be organized for students from parallel classes, using the students' works